Main Page > GTA2 > Modding Tutorial > THREAD_TRIGGERs

A THREAD_TRIGGER is, as the name implies, a command that triggers a subroutine when a character (usually the player) performs a certain action. They are ideal to start missions: you can let a mission wait until a player answers a mission phone, or enters a certain car. There are five different THREAD_TRIGGERS:

THREAD_TRIGGER name = THREAD_WAIT_FOR_CHAR_IN_CAR ( char_name , car_name , subroutine: )
THREAD_TRIGGER name = THREAD_WAIT_FOR_CHAR_IN_BLOCK (char_name , X.x , Y.y , Z.z , subroutine: )
THREAD_TRIGGER name = THREAD_WAIT_FOR_CHAR_IN_AREA (char_name , X.x , Y.y , Z.z , width , height , subroutine: ) 
THREAD_TRIGGER name = THREAD_WAIT_FOR_CHAR_IN_AREA_ANY_MEANS (char_name , X.x , Y.y , Z.z , width , height , subroutine: ) 
THREAD_TRIGGER name = THREAD_WAIT_FOR_ANSWER_PHONE ( char_name , phone_name , subroutine: )
name An unique name for the trigger.
char_name Name of the character.
car_name Name of the car the character is supposed to enter.
X.x , Y.y , Z.z Coordinates of the block or area the character is supposed to enter.
width , height The width and height of the area in blocks.
phone_name Name of a phone.
subroutine: The name of the subroutine that should be triggered when the conditions are met. Note the : at the end of the subroutine.

The THREAD_WAIT_FOR_CHAR_IN_AREA_ANY_MEANS is very similar to the THREAD_WAIT_FOR_CHAR_IN_AREA, but it checks for characters entering the area on foot or by car, whereas the latter only checks for players on foot.

THREAD_TRIGGERs are always set and created before LEVELSTART at the same time, but they can be activated and deactived midgame. This is done with the following commands:

ENABLE_THREAD_TRIGGER ( trigger_name )
DISABLE_THREAD_TRIGGER ( trigger_name ) 
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