Easter eggs (GTA2)

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Wang Cars Wang Cars The car dealer Wang Cars can be found in the Residential District. "Wang" appears to be the name of the Asian car dealer. "Wank Cars" sounds like "wankers". The text also says they're specialized in "second hand".
Foo Cars Foo Cars Likewise, the car dealer Foo Cars can be found in the Industrial District. "Foo" is another Asian name, and "Foo Cars" sounds like "fuckers". Combined with their slogan, the sign reads "for sexy motherfuckers". Although there are real Wang Cars, there are no real Foo Cars to be found in this district.
Jesus Saves Jesus saves This nean sign can be found at the save point in each district. It reads "Jesus Saves", but the sign malfunctions and some letters blink, making it read "U save" ("You save").
Rev. Elations Rev. Elations Club "Rev." is an abbreviation of the title "Reverend". Rev. Elations reads like "revelations"
Rev. Erse Rev. Erse Likewise, Rev. Erse reads like "reverse", which becomes "get stuck in reverse" with the grafitti.
Max Paynt Max Paynt The name of the spray shop "Max Paynt" is of course a pun on the game Max Payne.
Smith & Heston's Smith & Heston's The weapon shop 'Smith & Heston's', which equips your car with vehicle machine guns, is a parody of the arms dealer "Smith & Wesson".
Alma Mater State Prison Alma Mater State Prison "Alma Mater" is Latin for "nourishing mother" and is frequently used for universities.
Camp Banks Camp Banks It's barely visible, but the army base in the Residential District bears the name "Camp Banks". It is named after Stephen Banks, the designer of the Residential District.
KGBH Radio KGBH Radio The abbreviation "KGBH" comes from "KGB", the former secret service of the USSR and "GBH", the original title of GTA2.
R. S. & L. Bows R. S. & L. Bows The abattoir in the Industrial District where Claude Speed delivers humans to be made into hot dogs in the mission "R.S. L. Bows!" bears the name "R. S. & L. Bows", which is pronounced like "Arse and elbows". These words feature in sayings like "He doesn't know his arse from his elbow".
Brown Eyes Brown Eyes Sewage Plant The sewage plant in the Industrial District is called the "Brown Eyes Sewage Plant". "Brown eys" is slang for "anus".
Chernobolt Chernobolt The powerplant in the Industrial District is called "Chernobolt", after Chernobyle where the infamous nuclear disaster took place. The name is written in quasi-Russian charaters.
Jerkov Jerkov The name of the Russian gang leader, Jerkov, sounds like "jerk of".
Dr. LaBrat Dr. LaBrat Likewise, the name of the SRS Scientist leader LaBrat sounds like "lab rat".
GT-A1 GT-A1 The name 'GT-A1' is of course a pun on the original Grand Theft Auto.
U-Jerk Truck U-Jerk Truck 'U jerk' sounds like "you jerk".

Grand Theft Auto 2
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