RC Baron

RC Baron in GTA Vice City · Vehicle list

GTA Vice City
Based on ZZUnknown Seats 0 RC Baron in GTA Vice City
Code 194 RCBARON Weight 150 kg
Top speed 75 km/h Gears 1
Acceleration 35m/s2 Transmission 4WD
Engine Petrol Location None

RC Baron in GTA San Andreas · Vehicle list

GTA San Andreas
Based on ZZUnknown Seats 0 RC Baron in GTA San Andreas
Code 464 RCBARON Weight 100 kg
Top speed 75 km/h Gears ZZUnknown
Acceleration ZZUnknown Transmission ZZUnknown
Engine Petrol Location None

The RC Baron is a remote controlled minature airplane which is available in GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas. In some missions the plane is able to carry bombs or is armed with a machine gun.

The Baron is named after the famous German pilot Manfred von Richthofen, who was nicknamed "the Red Baron" and flew a red Fokker triplane.

See also


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