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More information can be read in Rockstar Games and Google privacy policy.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small piece of information that a website resists to your browser if you visit or use. Your browser will remember this cookie. If you later press the same website will know the website thanks to the cookie that your browser has preserved example if you had logged in and if you for example something in your online cart had sat. Cookies can also be used to track your surfing habits. These cookies are usually placed by third parties. How you can put it out is explained below.
How do I turn off all third-party cookies?
At this moment this website contains no functionality to third-party cookies off. In your browser can however do. Listed below are links to websites of the most popular browsers how to accept certain cookies and third-party cookies themselves easy to expand.
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If you're in your cookie settings in your browser then sit strongly recommends that all off cookies in your browser off. If you turn off all cookies a website may no longer keep track of whether you are logged on many websites so you often will need to login again. We thus advise that you only third-party cookies off if you wish.
Why this information?
Since june 2012, every website is required by European legislation to give the choice whether they want to use third party cookies. In this way the European and Dutch government hopes that privacy on the Internet is better assured. At present there no additional functionality. Well you can as described above is always third-party cookies in your browser.
What does do with my privacy?
On we have made additional adjustments so that your privacy is assured. Log on is always protected. Furthermore, all visitor data we use to improve our website completely anonymously processed. Additionally, you can at Always turn off cookies from our advertisers. Neither do you at no obligation your real name or (address) information behind. What you said about yourself is completely up to you. On the privacy of members and visitors always been very important and will therefore also with the new cookie law remain so.
Hopefully now you are sufficiently informed about cookies and your privacy on If you have any remaining questions about cookies you can mail to:
- 'Grand Theft Auto', 'GTA2', 'Grand Theft Auto 3', 'Grand Theft Auto III', the Grand Theft Auto III logo, 'Grand Theft Auto Vice City', 'Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas', 'Rockstar Games' and the 'R*' logo are trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
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