Tag 21-30 (GTA San Andreas)

Tag 21

Next to the Jefferson Motel (the orange building) there is a railway with a tunnel that leads into the hills. The tag is directly on the left wall on the inside of the tunnel. This is also the location of the train in the mission Catalyst.

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Tag 22

Follow the North Road in Las Colinas up to the building from the first screen. (starting at Jefferson Motel) It is a house with stairs to the front door. The tag is at the back of this house.

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Tag 23

North west of the Jefferson Motel is a orange house with stairs. The tag is on the sidewall of these stairs.

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Tag 24

Follow the road that goes over Glen Park up to Las Colinas. When you see the houses from the first screen to the south you are near the tag. The tag is in a small alley between these houses.

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Tag 25

A few blocks north off Glen Park with a small orange house between other houses. Between the orange house and it's 'neighbor' is an alley with the tag.

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Tag 26

This is one of the tags that has been completed during Tagging up Turf. This tag is on the south side across the road from the Cluckin' Bell in East Los Santos. The tag is on the roof, but you can spot it from the street. Go to the back of the building and use the dumpster to climb up the roof.

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Tag 27

This also is on of the Tagging up Turf tags. The tag is on the orange wall of the Mexican restaurant, next to the wallpainting of a half naked Mexican woman. It is difficult to spot from a distance because the wall and the tag are to close in colour.

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Tag 28

This is the final tag from the mission Tagging up Turf. The tag is directly next to the Cluckin' Bell in East Los Santos in an alley (with a fence). There are usually two Ballas next to the tag, which you can easily take out with the Spray Can.

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Tag 29

North of the pedestrian bridge across the highway are a number of white houses. The tag is on the roof of the last white house. You can easily access the roof of the house at the back. By using the hill to jump onto the part where the tag is.

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Tag 30

Further to the north following the highway is a huge blue building with two smaller houses next to it. The tag is, seen on the screenshot, on the left of these two smaller houses.

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Next 10 Tags.


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