Tag 41North of Cluckin' Bell in East Los Santos is a long straight street with an alley on the right. Use the radar on the first screenshot for the precise location. The tag can be found in this alley. This is the same alley from tag number 38. |
Tag 42There is a white building with a parking lot behind it east of the Cluckin' Bell in East Los Santos. There is a giant billboard on top of it. Go onto the parking lot and you will find the tag behind a fence. Jumping over the fence will be good exercise for CJ. | ||||
Tag 43This tag can be found in the alley across from the car-wash and the store called Mama's Store. |
Tag 44There is a Liquor Store close to the Jefferson Towers in a park in East Los Santos. The tag is next to this store. | ||||
Tag 45South of the railway tunnel in Jefferson there is a block of houses. These houses have a underground parking lot. The tag is inside the parking lot. |
Tag 46Behind the Gym in Ganton is a small alley. The tag is at the end of this alley next to a sports ground. | ||||
Tag 47 |
Tag 48On the main road that gives access to the East Coast Highway are a few stairs leading up. The tag is at the bottom of these stairs. | ||||
Tag 49At the top of the hill, close to a corner in the road are some orange houses. Tag 49 can be found on the side of the house next to the blue one. |
Tag 50On the East Coast Highway is a large blue building. You can't miss it. Tag 50 is on the bottom of this building. |