A teasersite is a website with some info of a game that has not been released yet. Teasersites usually do not give a lot of info about the game, and are used to gain the interest of the fans.
GTA has a lot of teasersites. Most of them are portraying the website of one of the absurd fictional companies in the game. They often consist of only one page, but some teasersites, like the Liberty Tree, consist of several pages and actually contain some information.
Grand Theft Auto
- Rockstargames.com/gta - Official website.
- No teasersites.
GTA: London 1969 en -61
- Rockstargames.com/gtalondon - Official website.
- No teasersites.
- GTA2.com - Official website.
- Zaibatsu Corporation - Zaibatsu Corporation.
- Proud of yourself? - Loonies.
- The Zoo Family - Yakuza.
- Hickmail - Rednecks.
- The Scientists - SRS Scientists.
- Krishna - Hare Krishna.
- Grandtheftauto3.com - Official website.
- sleepofflard.com - Dormatron.
- PetsOvernight.com
- Pogothemonkey.com - Pogo the Monkey.
- Lovemedia.tv - Love Media
- Liberty Tree - Liberty Tree.
- Capital Autos - Capital Autos.
- Ammu-Nation - Ammu-Nation.
- Francis International Airport - Francis International Airport.
- College Liberty City College
- Oicho Kabu Casino - Kenji's Casino.
- gameRadio - GameRadio.
GTA Vice City
- GTAvicecity.com - Official website.
- Kentpaul.com - Kent Pauls personal website.
- Degenatron.com - Degenatron.
GTA San Andreas
- GTAsanandreas.com - Official website.
- Maccer.net - Maccers personal website.
- Epsilonprogram.com - Epsilon Program.
- Fearitdoit.com - Inversion Therapy.
- Cluckinbellhappychicken.com - Cluckin' Bell.
- Exsorbeo.com - Exsorbeo.
- Westcoastraplegends.com - Website about 'forgotten legends of West Coast rap', including Madd Dogg and O.G. Loc.
GTA Advance
- Rockstargames.com/grandtheftauto/gba - Officiƫle website.
- No teasersites.
GTA Liberty City Stories
- Libertycitystories.com - Official website.
- Crowfest98.com - Crow Fest '98.
- Pastmaster-game.com - PastMaster.
- ItsVivisection.com - Vivisection.
- Electronzoneradio.com - Electron Zone Radio.
- Bathtubginstill.com - Bathtub Gin Still.
- Citizensunitednegatingtechnology.com - Citizens United Negating Technology For Life And People's Safety.
- Ammunation.net - Ammu-Nation.
- Pauliesrevue.net - Paulie's Revue Bar.
- lips106fm.com - LIPS 106.
GTA Vice City Stories
- Vicecitystories.com - Official website.
- Geen teasersites.
- Grandtheftauto4.com - Official website.
- WKTTradio.com - We Know the Truth Talk Radio.
- Thuggames.com - Thug Games.
- Orange-dawn.tk - The Orange Dawn.
- Microschoft.info - Microschoft.