User Track Player (GTA San Andreas)

User Track Player

Main Page > Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas > Radio stations > User Track Player

The User Track Player, which is only available in the PC version of GTA San Andreas, allows you to play your own music files. The player accepts 'Windows Wave' files (WAV) and 'Ogg Vorbis' files (OGG) by default, but the allowed formats can be extended by installing additional codecs. Windows Media Player 9 and later versions have a wide range of codecs, including MP3 and WMA files.

It's quite easy to add your own music files to the User Track Player, since it doesn't require a lot of computer knowledge at all. The User Track Player allows you to skip a song or a radio commercial by pressing the [F5] key.

User Track Player settings

Adding music

To play your own music you will have to create shortcuts to your music files in (My) Documents > GTA San Andreas User Files > User Tracks. The easiest way to do this is by creating one shortcut to your music folder, for example your music library. After adding the shortcut(s) you should start your game and go to Options > Audio Setup > User Tracks Options. This menu has three functions: Play Mode, Automatic Media Scan en Scan User Tracks. Select the 'Scan User Tracks' button once: the game will start scanning your User Tracks folder. You will now be able to listen to your own music by using the User Track Player.

User Track Player

Other functionalities

The option 'Play Mode' has three settings: Radio, Random and Sequential. When using 'Radio', your music files will be interrupted by radio commercials. When using 'Random', your music files will be played randomly and will not be interrupted by radio commercials. When using 'Sequential', your music files will be playing alphabetically and will not be interrupted by radio commercials.

By setting 'Automatic Media Scan' to 'ON' the game will scan the User Tracks folder each time you start the game. When you set this setting to 'OFF', the game will not do this. It is useful to set this setting to 'ON' when you upload music files to your computer often, so the radio station is up-to-date when you start playing.

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