Bonuses (GTA2)

You can be rewarded with various bonuses in GTA2.

Bonus Reward Condition
Insane stunt bonus $1,.000 Make a large jump with a vehicle.
Back to front bonus $1,000 Drive backwards for one minute with wanted level 4 or higher.
Cop killa $5,000 Destroy twenty Cop Cars.
Medical emergency $10,000 Quickly destroy a Cop Car, Medicar and Fire Truck.
Elvis has left the building! $32.000 Quickly kill a whole line of six Elvis look-a-likes.
Expeditious execution $100,000 Quickly kill twenty pedestrians.
Genocide ? Kill 1,000 pedestrians.
Wipe out $50,000 Destroy at least one vehicle of every model found on the streets. [1]
Car jacka ? Involves stealing cars, but the exact condition is currently unknown.
Grand Theft Auto $50,000 Steal at least one vehicle of every model found on the streets. [1]
Accuracy bonus $5,000 Hit pedestrians 25 times in a row with a bullet or rocket. The counter resets if you hit nothing or a wall, but continuous if you hit a car or get busted or wasted.


[1] The cars you'll need to steal or destroy is different for each district:

Downtown District 19 vehicles Aniston BD4, B-Type, Beamer, Big Bug, Bug, Dementia Limousine, G4 Bank Van, Ice Cream Van, Michelli Roadster, Minx, Romero, Schmidt, Shark, TV Van, Truck Cab, U-Jerk Truck, Van and Wellard.
Residential District 23 vehicles Arachnid, B-Type, Beamer, Benson, Big Bug, Bug, Eddy, Furore GT, G4 Bank Van, Hachura, Hot Dog Van, Maurice, Morton, Panto, Pickup, Schmidt, Spritzer, Stretch Limousine, T-Rex, TV Van, Trance Am, Truck Cab SX and Van.
Industrial District 21 vehicles Arachnid, B-Type, Box Truck, Eddy, G4 Bank Van, Garbage Truck, Hot Dog Van, Jagular XK, Jefferson, Maurice, Minx, Panto, Romero, Rumbler, Shark, Sports Limousine, Stinger, TV Van, Truck Cab, U-Jerk Truck and Van

To achieve these bonuses in multiplayer, you'll have to destroy or steal all these cars.

Grand Theft Auto 2
Features Missions · Vehicles · Characters · Weapons · Power-ups · Gangs · Radio stations · Bonuses · Saving · Multiplayer (Game Hunter) GTA2icoon.gif
Collectables GTA2 Badges · Kill Frenzies · Wang Cars
Modding Tutorial · GTA2 Editor (TradeMark) · Script Compiler · GXT Editor · Installing levels
Media Artwork · GTA2: The Movie · Ray Larabie vehicles
Other Cheats · Easter eggs · System requirements · Controls · GTA2 Manager · Maps · Locations


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