No Way on the Subway

Mission in GTA IV
Museum Piece
No Way on the Subway
Weekend at Florian's
Late Checkout
Starts at RayMarker.png Drusilla's, Little Italy
Given by Ray Boccino
Reward $9500

Main Page > GTA IV > Missions > No Way on the Subway

Alternative route.

There is a lot of money missing, and it is held by the bikers from “The Lost”. Go to the place where members of this gang often hang out. There is a cut scene in which two bikers drive off. Get on the Freeway and chase them. Perform drive-by’s and try to kill one before they enter the subway tunnel. Follow them and kill them. When you have not killed the both of them when you get at the bridge, you have to be careful, because the suddenly go left and use the pedestrians’ path. Once you have killed both bikers the mission is passed.


  • On this map you see an alternative route to the location where the bikers will enter the tunnel. The red line is the bikers’ route, and the green line is the alternative route. By waiting at the bikers at the entrance of the tunnel, it is easy to shoot them when they jump on the track. This will prevent a long chase.
  • Watch out for approaching trains inside the tunnel.
  • Put on some extra light when you are inside the tunnel. It will be easier to see approaching trains.


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