Oyster 21This oyster is also located at the marine-base in Easter Basin. Or actually: inside. Go around the base so you'll have the runway of the airport behind you. You'll see three inner docks for boats to enter. Oyster number 21 is located in the middle. Be careful, when you reach the entrance of the inner dock you'll get a 5 star wanted level. As soon as you collected this oyster flee to a safe-house to save your game. During the missions Amphibious Assault and Vertical Bird it's possible to collect this oyster without the risk of a 5 star wanted level. |
Oyster 22You'll find this oyster in Las Venturas. It's located in the swimming-pool of the V-Rock Hotel, in the curve of Julius Thruway North. In the background you can still distinguish KACC Military Fuels. Use a Jetpack or a car as step to reach the lower flat roof. In this swimming-pool you'll also find horseshoe number 8. | ||||
Oyster 23Go to The Visage. You'll find it in central Las Venturas, at The Strip. There are a few waterfalls and under the middle you'll find oyster number 23. |
Oyster 24This oyster is also in a pond in front of one of the big hotels in Las Venturas. In front of the hotel Come-A-Lot at The Strip there is a pond with a bridge. Oyster 24 is located at the left-hand side of the bridge. | ||||
Oyster 25And another one at a hotel, this time at Pirates in Men's Pants. This hotel is next to The Visage at The Strip. Towards the entrance of the hotel there's a wooden bridge and the oyster is located at the right-hand side of this bridge, close to the waterside. |
Oyster 26Oyster 26 is located in Pilgrim, Las Venturas. There is a kind of park with a curvy road. Next to this road there is a swimming-pool with the oyster. | ||||
Oyster 27Hug the northern coast of San Andreas in eastern direction, either with a boat or helicopter. Where the coast curves to the south (close to KACC Military Fuels) you'll find oyster number 27. It's exactly in the curve but at a certain distance from the coast. Mostly you'll find a boat at the correct location. |
Oyster 28This oyster is located in Tierra Robada, the area north of San Fierro. Take the Garver Bridge from San Fierro in northern direction, drive beyond the bridge to the east. At a certain point the road crosses an inlet where you'll find oyster number 28. For that matter next to the oyster you'll find one of your safe-houses (the Toreno missions start here). | ||||
Oyster 29This oyster is located southeast of the village Blueberry, directly beneath a bridge. At this location is also another smaller bridge for that matter. When screen 2 was taken CJ just took the oyster 0.00010 seconds before, so this is the only screen without an oyster. But truly it's there. |
Oyster 30From Flint Water (the lake northwest of Los Santos) follow the river in southern direction. The first bridge you'll come across is also the location of oyster number 30. |