Snapshots (GTA San Andreas)

Main Page > Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas > Locations > Snapshots

In GTA San Andreas you can find 50 Snapshots spread over San Fierro. In order to find and collect a Snapshot you need a camera. Only through the lens of a camera is a Snapshot clearly visible as a pink ball with a white symbol of a film-camera. In order to collect a Snapshot you need to zoom in onto the Snapshot and take it's picture.
A glow between 0:00am and 5:00am.
For every Snapshot you take you'll be rewarded with an amount of $100.=, after you've taken all the Snapshots you'll receive a bonus-reward of $100.000,=. From now on you can find a Micro SMG, shotgun, sniper rifle and grenades at the Doherty Garage. You don't have to take the Snapshots in a certain order.


  • Snapshots are best to be found between 0:00am and 5:00am, than all Snapshots can be recognized by a pulsating glow and for that matter rather easy to find in the dark.

Descriptions with screenshots



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