Unique Stunts 41-50 (GTA San Andreas)

Unique Jump 41

This jump is located in the agrarian area Blueberry Acres, east of Blueberry. Here you could also find Unique Jump number 40. In the middle of the farm is a huge barn with a ramp inside. Make a long run and jump via the ramp out of the barn-door at the second floor. Eventually you'll have to land close to the water-tank to make this a valid jump.

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Unique Jump 42

The jump is located in the western corner of the village Dillimore. In the ally opposite of the barber you'll find the ramp to make a jump of about 150 to 160 ft. You'll jump in southern direction and land exactly in front of the police-station.

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Unique Jump 43

Jump number 43 is located in Randolph Industrial Estate, a small warehouse south of the Julius Thruway South, Las Venturas. When you drive from Las Venturas towards Los Santos you'll come upon the precincts at your right-hand side, just before the bridge. Make a long run in an aerodynamic position and land on the Julius Thruway South to make this a valid jump.

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Unique Jump 44

Just south of the village Blueberry you'll find a precinct with sheds, trailers and pallets. Jump 44 is located next to a truck with tilt pallets in front of it as ramp. At the other side of the truck you could have done jump number 38 before. Make a run from the edge of the precinct and make sure you jump about 150 ft. to complete this jump.

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Unique Jump 45

Drive the dirt-road from Palomino Creek in western direction. The dirt-road leads you eventually to Montgomery Intersection. Right after leaving the village you'll come upon a broken bridge, which you used before to make jump number 33. Make your run as long as possible to land as far as possible. At least land just before the dirt-roads splits in two on the dirt-road itself.

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Unique Jump 46

This jump is located at The Panopticon, the hilly terrain between San Fierro and Blueberry. There is a dirt-road at the east-side of this hill and right after the curve there is a grass-hill just before an inlet in the terrain. Use the grass-hill to jump across this inlet. You'll need approximately 160 ft to cross the distance. So make a long run and steer your motor slightly to the left, otherwise you'll land next to the hill and your won't be valid.

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Unique Jump 47

The jump is located in Juniper Hollow, San Fierro. The ramp is between the Gant Bridge and the tunnel, just around the corner lives Katie Zahn, one of your girlfriends. Make a long run from the street opposite of the ramp and stay in an aerodynamic position. The ramp is awkward placed so you'll have to steer towards it at the last moment. It may take a few tries but eventually you'll make it. Make sure you land on the last road down the hill, about 260 ft.

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Unique Jump 48

Between Calton Heights and Juniper Hollow, San Fierro goes a tunnel under a wide road. On top of the tunnel, so at this road is Unique Jump 48 located. Make a run from the street opposite of the ramp and make a nice wide jump in the direction of Juniper Hollow. Distance to cross is about 256 ft. This jump ain't that hard to do.

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Unique Jump 49

The jump is located in Juniper Hill, San Fierro. You'll find the ramp at the parking-lot of a supermarket, north of the park. This jump can be made in two directions, so actually the ramp consists of two ramps. In eastern direction, towards Chinatown, you'll have to land in the alley with flower-boxes to make this a valid jump. In western direction, towards Santa Flora and coming from the alley with flower-boxes, you'll have to land at the end of the parking-lot to make this a valid jump. The downside of the jump in western direction is that some pedestrians in the alley might obstruct your path, which could result in a one star wanted level.

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Unique Jump 50

Jump number 50 is located in Calton Heights, San Fierro. The ramp is the high stairs opposite of the safe-house which you can buy or have bought. You'll need a sufficient run because you need to jump across Windy, Windy, Windy, Windy Street and land on the crossing down the hill. The distance to bridge is approximately 180 ft. During your run be aware of traffic and lampposts because they might obstruct your path.

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